Physical Exams in Katy, TX

Sports Physicals and Wellness Checkups in Katy

At Complete Care Physicians, we make it easy to get your physicals done. Whether you need a sports physical or just an annual physical, Complete Care Physicians have you covered. Scheduling a comprehensive physical for patients 12 and older has never been easier! You can now easily book your appointment online or by visiting our clinic.

Blood pressure checkup in progress.
Medical professional working on laptop.
Medical professional working on laptop.

What is a
Physical Exam?

A physical is an exam that is completed by a primary care specialist to make sure you’re healthy to complete the job you’re hired to do or to participate in sports. 

  • Vital Sign Check – Your weight, pulse & blood pressure will be checked to determine you are healthy and nothing out of the ordinary is going on.

  • Medical History – Your doctor will ask you a series of questions about your family history of diseases, surgeries, current medications, and more.

  • Physical Exam – This is where breathing, heartbeat, vision, hearing & reflexes are examined to make sure you are healthy to work or participate in sports.

When should you get a physical exam?

A typical exam should be completed every year to ensure you’re healthy. Your doctor might recommend that you get them more frequently if they notice any abnormalities or if you have any health problems so they can monitor them closely. To address all of your concerns as a parent, our nurses and friendly staff will treat your school-aged children as their own. 

You can schedule your appointment with Complete Care Physicians by calling our office or booking online.  

Doctor holding red stethoscope.
Doctor holding red stethoscope.

Location & Office Hours


Office Hours

We are closed from 12 pm – 1 pm for lunch. If you are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911. If it is a non-emergent issue, please call back during business hours.

All after-hours calls regarding medication refills or issues deemed non-urgent will incur a $50 fee.

Contact Complete Care Providers Today!

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You will be able to access your appointments, lab results, vitals, manage medications and other personal data all within one app.

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Doctor on a telemedicine video call.

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